Friday, September 21, 2012

there's a crack in time.

I thought I was the only one.  I seem to be mistaken.  After reading other posts, I realize that there are many who suffer a crack in time.
The one I have seems to make the one on Amelia's wall look like a scratch mark.
(  Dr. Who reference there for those few that don't know)
I lost a week.  Last I knew it was monday and here it is friday already... how did that happen?    
 Am I the only one who can be involved with doing something and suddenly realize that hours and hours have passed?
How can there be so much time and yet you seem to run out of it? 

These are the things I think about... perhaps I've just been delving into theoretical physics to much. 

But I think that is how/why there are days when I forget to eat... suddenly it's three or four in the afternoon... so I end up just having one meal for the day.

I was fully planning to write more on this.... but I have an overwhelming urge to go check my walls for cracks now...

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