Monday, November 5, 2012

Give me a break

So, if you know me, you know I'm not exactly a spring chicken... I fully realize that I am of a different era but there are times I think that maybe I am of a different planet with a totally different culture.

It is the first few days of November and I am already sick of Christmas!  They have had stuff out since before Halloween!  As well as already playing the music! 
Give me a break people!!

Gather round kiddies and let me tell you how it used to be, back when the world was not run on high speed and automation.  Back when each holiday had its time with no rushing the next one to smother it.  Back when kids enjoyed the fun of Halloween, reveled in it and didn't mind if their costume was home made and had no fears on going out to trick or treat with their friends... or even alone.  It was a fun holiday, unencumbered by the overlap of ones to come.

Back then it was about the second week of November when you started to get excited about Thanksgiving, the food, the family gathering together and for me, the formal table.. that is formal place settings with multiple utensils, the 'real' silverware, including all the serving dishes, bowls and tea/coffee service (which of course had to be polished - my job and I loved it), multiple .. well, everything; wine glass and water glass, 2 dinner plates (the special ones) and side plate, it was wonderful!  It had meaning. 
Rather than go into more detail here, I will reserve it for its own post..I can get carried away by memories  and go on forever... trust me, there is enough to cover one with the food prep, dinner itself and all the trimmings of how it was on a holiday in my house growing up.
But the one thing that was and still is constant (although not quite as good of late - changing times and all) was the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade ... 

That's when Santa came to town... and back then it was when the Christmas season started... Not mid October like it is now.  Back then, you didn't hear a carol before Thanksgiving Day.  Back then, Thanksgiving actually meant something other than football. 
(I should insert here that Television was absolutely forbidden in the time surrounding the 'feast' .. there wasn't one in the formal dining room) this was Family time, conversation time, eating time.  Other than the eating part, most of this is different now..

Christmas is a story all to itself. I have already edited the heck out of this post to keep from boring people to death.  I will do a post on the days of Christmas past...
but Not until After Thanksgiving!!!
Give me a break and stop trying to rush things!!!